Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster award twice now, by the lovely Little Journey of Life and Cautivar. Thank you both for the nominations and allowing me the opportunity to interact with even more 'new bloggers' like myself. If I've nominated you, the questions will be at the end of the post for you.

For those who do not know, the Liebster Award is a sharing of questions for bloggers with under 200 followers. The rules are:
Answer 11 questions;
Tag 11 bloggers
Ask another 11 questions.

This allows those who are fairly new to the blogosphere to gain a little more recognition; along with the added bonus of meeting other bloggers in the process!

These are my 11 questions I've been asked:

1. What are your best childhood memories?
I really don't know my best childhood memories - that sounds really awful! I would say that some of my favourite memories could be from family holidays though.

2. If you had the choice of changing the past would you?

I do believe that everything happens for a reason, so I'm not 100% sure on whether I would change my past because it's what got me here today. That doesn't mean I have no regrets, because we all do, I've just accepted that the past is in the past and that can't be changed. (I'm pretty sure I vaguely quoted 'The Lion King' in that last sentence).

3. What is current favourite movie, and your all time favourite movie?
My all time favourite movie is 'The Holiday'. I tend to only watch it at Christmas time, but when I do I watch it so many times it is ridiculous - I'm obsessed! As for my current favourite movie, I'm not too sure.

4. What do you think is more important to yourself, inner or outter beauty?
Inner beauty for sure! I think that a persons personality and how they act truly shows on the outside. You can make yourself as physically attractive as you wish but I say inner beauty is the key.

5. What is your favourite colour?
I always want to say blue, and have done for years, but I really have a thing for the colour pink. Not barbie pink though, more of a soft shade. Honestly, pastels win me over.

6. If you could purchase any one item you desperately desire, what would it be?
I feel like this needs to be a worth while choice, in case it miraculously it comes true. However in an ideal world, I'd love a ticket that would enable me to travel the world.

7. What are your aims for the future?

Honestly, I just want to be a lot happier with the direction I am taking in my life, and do not want to be forced into what others want from me.

8. Why did you start blogging?
My blog was really spur of the moment. I had been thinking about starting one for almost a year before I did, but I never found the motivation or confidence to actually follow my ideas through. This is really a place to begin to share my thoughts and help me head in the right direction. Hopefully my blog will evolve with me and what I choose to do.

9. What are your fears?
I wouldn't 100% call this a fear, but it really does tend to freak me out, and that's certain foods touching. I can't really explain it but I prefer my foods to be in separate groups/sections if that was how they are served. I am getting better with it, but it still freaks me out. 

10. If you could meet/re-unite with anyone you wish, who would it be and why?
The Queen, hands down.

11. What is your favourite time of the year?
You know when you get that first warm day after winter, where you don't have to wear thick coats and scarves, and everyone is instantly in a good mood. That is my favourite time of the year. If I could bottle that day up and keep it I would.

The blogs I've chosen for the Liebster Award are:

The questions I'm asking are:

1. What's the one beauty/skincare product you cannot live without?
2. Besides blogging, what's the thing you enjoy most to do?
3. If you could create any ice cream flavour, what would it be?
4. What's your staple style item?
5. If you had the opportunity to do anything you wanted, what would that opportunity be?
6. What's your happiest memory?
7. What's your favourite song at the moment?
8. Do you have a quote or phrase you try to live by? If so what is it?
9. Are you scared of your future?
10. What's your guilty pleasure?
11. What song is the soundtrack to your life?

Louisa xx


  1. Such a lovely read, thank you so much for the nomination xo


    1. Thank you :) I look forward to reading more of your posts - Louisa xx
